Hi, I'm Sarah! I've been excited about indie games for years now, and it was such an eye-opening experience to find so many different types of games to play. There's literally something for everyone!
Let's talk indie games! Hello indie gaming friends!February was a pretty laid back month for indie game releases, so I hope you got a chance to discover something special from your backlog. Did you know that How Long to Beat has HowLongToBeat Your Steam Collection? It lets you put in your Steam ID and returns how long each game in your library is. I was looking for something short to play and it definitely delivered for this month's game. I had forgotten I even owned it! Check it out and let...
Let's talk indie games! Hello indie gaming friends!Hope you've all had a great start to the year and managed to tackle some of that ever-growing game backlog! I've been a bit out of the loop after going on holiday in January - As well as playing quite a bit of Infinity Nikki - So, I’m excited to dive back in and see what’s been happening in the indie gaming world. Recently I've been playing... Dungeons of Hinterberg The first thing I noticed about Dungeons of Hinterberg was the art style. I...
Let's talk indie games! Hello indie gaming friends!I've been chatting to you for one year now! I hope I've been able to help you find a new favourite in 2024. If so, I'd love to know what it was! Reply and let me know. I'd also love to know what you think of the newsletter. One thing I've been wondering is when in the month is best to send it out. Would you prefer to see upcoming new releases so you can add them to your wishlist or learn about the games that released in that month, so you can...